Evolution of the Service Culture

The Internal Evaluation of the current Service Culture determines the elements that must be developed in Processes and Attitude and Aptitude of your people.

The Development of Human Resources through Training and Coaching guarantees First Class Customer Service.

Satisfaction and Loyalty Measurements and determine the influence factors on which to work.

Churn Reduction and Control ensures Revenue Sustainability.

Find out more by CONTACTING US

Our customized Trainings guarantee to obtain Human Resources with the Attitude and Aptitude to deliver a 5 Star Customer Service

Train your Frontline Team in Proper Customer Management, Service Protocols, Evolved Service Culture, Problem Solving, Conflicting Customer Management, Loyalty Creation, Service Restoration and Churn Reduction..

Training in Leadership and Teamwork allows you to have leaders who will lead to the achievement of results, and a team committed to the objectives.

The success of Excellence Care lies in the Appropriate Management of a Cohesive Team.

Only with us you find exclusive courses:

  • Call and Contact Center 360
  • Telesales

Service Culture Evaluation and Improvement

We evaluate the Level of Evolution of your Service Culture to determine the aspects in which you must work in pursuit of Excellent Customer Service. Knowing how you see yourself internally is what helps you present yourself better. We accompany you in the improvement.

Coaching in Management and in Action

Coaching at Management Levels helps develop your inner leadership potential.

The Coaching to the Operative Resource helps to exploit a positive, proactive and purposeful attitude.

Satisfaction Evaluation and Improvement

Knowing why your clients qualify you as they qualify is what really matters when making decisions that help you remain a leader in the market, generating the same or more income. We accompany you in the improvement.

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